collection of my heart

Sadness >< Happiness, Crying >< Laughing all could be happen at anytime, anywhere, and anybody know's .... ???

10 Jul 2011

Choco Chips Muffin

- 350 g  Flour
- 25 g    Milk Powder
- 230g   Butter
- 110 cc of water
- 4 eggs size M ( 200g w/o shell )
- 200 g  Sugar
- 1 tbsp Vanilla Extract
- 8 g      Baking Powder
- 50g    Fav Filling ( i used Choco Chip )

Method :
  1. Boil butter, water and sugar till sugar dissolves, put it aside
  2. In mixer bowl, add flour and milk powder and whisk it at low speed, slowly pour in the hot butter mixed and whisk at medium speed until warm
  3. Add vanilla extract onece batter is warmish
  4. Add eggs one by one
  5. Add baking powder and continue to blend till batter is fairly flat
  6. Stir in ur favorite fillings, and spoon the batter into  muffin tray
  7. Sprinkle top with ur fav filling
  8. Bake on preheated oven of 180 degree for 20 mins

Ver Thnx for the recipe ^_*

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