collection of my heart

Sadness >< Happiness, Crying >< Laughing all could be happen at anytime, anywhere, and anybody know's .... ???

3 Mar 2011

Kick Off Meeting FY2011

Fuih....another year's has passed, it's mean that start to meeting again, well at march 2011 got to Jakarta and have a full day meeting, then next day we'r going to Sgpore !!! yeay....!!! 2 days 1 night staying at Value hotel.
1st day arrive with Garuda, take an MRT then change  route, n change... (pusinkkk...) got walking for half hour to get that place...OMG so hot, tired , everything became 1, just go there , that called USS not United StateS (Lolz) but Universal Studio Singapore
Make appointment with my hopeng then enjoying chit chat , gossip-ing, narsis-ing at there hahah....thnx for her, also spend a time for me, jauh jauh dari Geylang with her boy's just to meet me , Nice huh  :)

(appologize wif my bad english wkwkwkw.... :D)

                          Mr.Woody, Melvin,Iin,Me,Mrs Woody

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